Innovative, practical and high quality hearses

BSE develops high quality hearses, which benefit from innovations resulting from the experience gained in the design of ambulances. These vehicles have high-quality fittings and a design that makes everyday life easier for professionals.

ambulance Mercedes
Accueil / Innovative, practical and high quality hearses

We build different types of hearses

Hearses for mixed uses

Hearses for ceremony

Hearses for body transport

electric hearses

Picto ambulance electrique
BSE has developed a know-how on electric funeral vehicles

The absence of polluting emissions limits the impact of transport on the environment. The electric funeral vehicle also limits the olfactory inconvenience during the ceremonies (no smoke, no odours). The procession appreciates it! BSE offers several models in electric version.

Our range of ambulances and hearses.

BSE offers a wide range of medical and funeral vehicles. Inside our vehicles, each layout is optimised to meet the needs of our customers and studied in compliance with the standards.

Why choose BSE?


30 years of experience

30 years of experience and expertise serving the most demanding professionals.



A great capacity for innovation to respond to all challenges and produce ever more reliable and efficient vehicles.


Customer service

We implement a reactive support procedure, with a global customer service, which intervenes in preventive and curative actions.

Would you like to know more about these vehicles?

Call us (on +33(0)5 59 20 76 31) or click on the link below