Our innovations for medical and funeral vehicles.

By combining creativity, know-how and expertise, BSE gives life to new generation ambulances, intervention vehicles and funeral vehicles, designed for practicality and daily comfort.

Accueil / Our innovations for medical and funeral vehicles.

Innovations that make life easier for professionals.

Cosmetic innovation is a detail. Practical and pragmatic innovation is essential! It is with this concern to accompany the professionals of medical and funeral transport in their daily actions, that BSE thinks and designs the evolution of its special vehicles. We were the first to have developed the antibacterial medical cell, durably effective against the coronavirus, and to have designed unusual vehicles such as the 4X4 ambulance or to create a “new generation” customer service.

The BSEbact antibacterial/antiCoVid cell.

The BSEBact cell is the perfect example of an innovation that makes a real difference to your daily life. Thanks to a core injection process, BSEBact cells permanently eliminate the risks that cause nosocomial diseases and Covid-19.

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Hybrid and electric ambulances.

At a time of corporate social responsibility, we offer hybrid and electric ambulances. For short to medium distances, mainly in urban areas, the choice of “new generation” engines is relevant and economical… and good for the planet!


Easy to clean.

Our vehicles focus on durability and practicality. The polyester boxes are quickly cleaned and are not affected by water. They can be cleaned in record time and you save precious time for other tasks. In funeral vehicles, we also use materials that are easy to clean.

Practical and aesthetic fittings.

The fittings of our ambulances and funeral vehicles are as aesthetic as they are practical. Our design and fitting teams integrate drawers and boxes and other furniture in a discreet and efficient manner. All on-board equipment finds its place in a specially designed housing.

All-purpose vehicles.

Our expertise in emergency vehicles has enabled us to develop a unique know-how in fitting out all types of vehicles. We have designed a 4×4 ambulance, which allows access to normally inaccessible terrain.

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ambulance customer service and customer care

Enhanced customer service.

Customer Care is an innovation and a service offered to all BSE customers. It is a reinforced version of the after-sales service, which accompanies the daily life of the users of our vehicles with more proximity and reactivity. Customer Care provides efficient repair services and also offers preventive support.

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Our range of ambulances and hearses.

BSE offers a wide range of medical and funeral vehicles. Inside our vehicles, each layout is optimised to meet the needs of our customers and studied in compliance with the standards.